Monday, September 3, 2007

CA Gov. Schwarzenegger and CA Democrats "Global Warming Plan" Drives Industry Out of CA

CA Gov. Schwarzenegger and CA Democrats "Global Warming Plan" Drives Wonder Bread out of CA; 1300 Southern Californians to Lose Jobs

Wonder Bread announced its leaving the state of California permanently. They did the typical press release explaining their "surface" reasons for leaving. The real reason is the loss of hope for industry in California's future associated with CA Gov. Schwarzenegger's job-killing compromise with Legislative Democrats, the now infamous "Global Warming Reduction Act of 2006".

As is with most items of Government, truth in advertising doesn't apply to legislation (especially their titles). This bill (the mandates of which will be addressed below by State Senator Tom McClintock's blog commentary), has little to do with global warming, because California can't stop the Earth's natural geological cycles, plus any "reductions in man-made global warming" will be offset by industry and jobs simply moving to Mexico, or if our country is lucky, perhaps another state, where the emissions from those factories, etc. will resume.

Like Nevada and Arizona, whose populations have dramatically increased as Californians have left the state in pursuit of better opportunities for enterprise and thus employment. Since factories, etc. will move to more hospitable territory, they will release essentially the same amount of bi-products into the air and thus the only real loss won't be of pollutants, it will be JOB LOSS in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA in particular, California as a whole.

Any other state that considers following Arnold and the Democrats of California's lead better think twice; don't let CA be your state's example in this area, the consequences will be decreased private industry employment, and a few more jobs created at the welfare office and unemployment office.

Blog about this:
A daily blog by Senator Tom McClintock

• No Wonder...

Gov. Schwarzenegger's drive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions got a major boost this week when the makers of Wonder Bread announced the total withdrawal of their bread products from Southern California. Interstate Bakeries, the makers of Wonder Bread, Roman Meal, Home Pride and Baker's Inn breads announced the closure of four bakeries, 17 distribution centers and 19 outlet stores, leaving 1,300 Californians out of work. The iconic breads – that had been staples of Southern California grocery stores since the 1940s – will completely disappear from shelves starting October 20th.

The parent company, Interstate Bakeries, blamed the high cost of doing business in California. The company has been losing money in California for some time, hit by a number of concerns including declining demand and non-union competitors, but their principal problem was simply California's growing hostility to human enterprise.

Not mentioned by the company was this grim reality: Gov. Schwarzenegger's AB 32 mandates a 25 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2020. A principal byproduct of baking bread is – you guessed it – carbon dioxide. Indeed, without carbon dioxide, there's no such thing as bread as we know it. Bread gets its spongy texture from yeast converting glucose into equal parts of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The familiar smell of bread baking is the oxidation of the ethyl alcohol as these gases are released during heating.

But not any more. No Wonder.

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