Monday, September 3, 2007

Second Phase of NAFTA Begins; Spells Doom for American Trucking Industry

Implementation of Second Phase of NAFTA Starts End of US Union-based Trucking

Now that the 9Th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to stop the implementation of the initial stage of the Second Major Phase of NAFTA (the RIGHT of Mexican Trucks to travel throughout the entire US - regardless of how much they pollute, how dangerously maintained they are, what types of "loads" they're really carrying, and God only knows the driver-regulations that will be in place; but don't worry, our Government says they can monitor this); I believe we will see the decline and ultimate END to union-controlled trucking in America, and most likely non-union as well.

For years the unions have fought this (legitimately in my opinion), and have had some degree of success in preventing its implementation, which Presidents' Clinton and Bush BOTH PUSHED for solidly (along with former President Bush Sr. and his Council on Foreign Relations friends, who lobbied for NAFTA heavily). The unions main allies have been a few Federal Courts and certain members of Congress, mainly social conservative Republicans who view such treaties as surrendering American sovereignty, such as Rep. Ron Paul (R-Victoria, TX) and Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton, CO) and solid Union Democrats such as Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Cleveland, OH).

However, it looks like the ride is over "so to speak" as the new "Pelosi-Reid" Democratic-controlled Congress is seeking to "suck up to Mexico" (not just on this issue, but also on illegal alien amnesty, the NAFTA "Super Highway" which will rip through the heart of the Southern US into the Mid-West and onto Canada, the North American Union, etc.) as is the current President.

So unless our current Congress is willing to buck the economic and political pressure and block this concept, you can say "hola" (Spanish for "hello") to trucks from Mexico on a permanent basis. Be prepared for our highways to become far more dangerous, ready for an exponential increase in illegal aliens (who will simply pack themselves in many of these trucks and travel unfettered to any city in America), possible use of these trucks for terrorism since most will not be subject to search and Mexican companies are easy targets for Middle-Eastern terrorists to infiltrate...and the loss of American jobs, especially those in unions because it will be much cheaper for firms to use Mexican trucks to haul goods.

I personally do not support this, but since Congress nor the Executive Branch are willing to act in favor of the American worker and small-businessman, the Supreme Court is the only place left to ultimately go to stop this (there are some procedural moves that can be done in lower courts to delay parts of this). But due to the 1920 Missouri vs. Holland Supreme Court Ruling (a judicial activist one by the way), International Treaties TRUMP the RIGHTS OF AMERICANS, EVEN THE BILL OF RIGHTS, and thus I see no way of this not happening, unless the Supreme Court reverses this BAD PRECEDENT.

Eventually, as the trend of using Mexican trucks increases, the wages and then the jobs themselves of American truckers will largely end, including non-union. It's unfortunate, but such is life in the "Bush 41-Clinton 42-Bush 43" eras' of "The New World Order, NAFTA and the North American Union.

1 comment:

Button said...