Monday, September 3, 2007

Klansman Given 3 Life Sentences for Killing Black Males Over Second Amendment Civil Rights

Klansman Given 3 Life Sentences for Killing Black Males Over Rumors They Attempted to Excersize Their Second Amendment Rights

Jackson, Miss. --- Friday August 24, 2007 will go down in history as a great day for both the Second Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendments of the US Constitution. This is because a now-convicted elderly Democrat Klansman named James Ford Seale has been given three life terms for killing two black male 19-year-olds simply because there were "rumors" going around that "black males in Mississippi were 'stockpiling' weapons".

The case started with the mere "rumor" of black citizens attempting to excersize their Second Amendment Rights, not even proof that they were doing so, WHICH IS NOT A CRIME EITHER. And being the PRO-GUN CONTROL group that Nazis and the Klan were and are (well, gun control against everyone who isn't a Nazi/Klansman), they decided to enforce their anti-gun (when it comes to non-whites) views and killed the two teens; by abducting them, beating them severely while interrogating them about "the guns" (they had the right to own by the way), and then they were bound and dumped alive into the Mississippi River. Even if the men were stockpiling guns, WOULDN'T YOU TOO IF YOU LIVED IN TERROR LIKE BLACK FOLKS DID IN THE 1960's and before? A dead Klansman doesn't hang anybody.

This is an "unspoken area" of the civil rights movement, the right to full and equal rights including the right to protect oneself and ones family by using the SECOND AMENDMENT from terrorist organizations like the Nazis / Communists / Socialists / Islamo-fascists, street-gangs and other criminals, and most importantly, FROM THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF. Keep in mind, MANY KKK members also wore the same uniforms as the police in their areas; as such blacks could not trust law enforcement, and firearms are the only answer for protection against direct murder and assault plots when you have no one you can trust in Government to turn to for equal protection.

Unfortunately, in today's world, the ignorant left-wing block of black voters have fallen into the Democrats' racist gun law trap again. This time Democrats use "Uncle-Tom" front-men like "Al Sharpton", "Jesse Jackson", etc., who are too ignorant to UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF RACIST GUN PROHIBITION LAWS as being mechanisms of OPPRESSION against blacks in the past and the present, to push their racist anti-Second Amendment Democrat agenda. (In fact, blacks are DISPROPORTIONATELY convicted and imprisoned for simple gun prohibition offenses, at a rate higher than any other race, more than 3 times their actual population percentage).

These two "rhyme-time Democrat-plantation stage-performing fake-intellectuals" are essentially doing the Klan's work for them, helping to pass gun prohibition laws, incarcerating blacks for violating them, etc. The Klan nor the Democrats couldn't have asked for better allies than the "Two Toms". (Rumor has it that Sharpton was a long-time snitch working for the FBI informing on other blacks as well, look up 20/20's Al Sharpton report; now he is going after the First Amendment Rights of Rap Artists, yet he hides behind it any chance he can get).

In today's world, the Democrats may not hang blacks from trees for violating their racial standards, instead they send them to prison. They don't disarm them through kidnappings and drowning them alive in rivers, they do so with gun prohibition laws which leads to arrests, and long prison sentences. The Democrats use different tactics, but the outcomes are similar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!