Monday, November 26, 2007

Boston PD to do Warrentless House-to-House Searches to Enforce Gun Prohibition Laws

There is an old English common-law maxim, which is where America got its system of "common law" from, that "a man's home is his castle, that NOT EVEN the KING [of England] and his men may not enter without cause". In America, it has been shortened to "a man's home is his castle" and essentially incorporated into our 4th Amendment. Well that phrase may not be applicable anymore, at least in Boston.

The Boston Police Department has announced that it will do "house-to-house" searches in "high-crime neighborhoods" for firearms in the rooms of "teen-agers". Apparently the Boston PD Brass haven't read either the 2nd Amendment (we all know what that one says) and/or the 4th Amendment, which protects us from unwarranted and unreasonable search and seizure, especially in our "castles", our homes.

They aren't going in unannounced; they are "merely knocking" on everyone's doors and "asking them" for permission to search their homes. If you've ever been pulled over and a cop "asks" you, "MAY I SEARCH YOUR VEHICLE", can you REALLY say "NO, ITS A WASTE OF MINE AND YOUR TIME AND IT VIOLATES THE 4TH AMENDMENT?" No, of course not. What the hell country is this where police and Federal agents in particular can "canvass" neighborhoods (just cause they're poor areas) and "ask" to enter someone's home to look for guns; if you think its hard to tell an officer "no" during a vehicle stop, try saying no to a couple of cops or FBI Agents who are at your door...

For those of you out there on the pro-gun control, yet claim to fight for "civil liberties" side of this issue, we thank you for your support of Democratic Party and the political left, who support gun prohibition laws, because house-to-house searches are the natural extension of these intrusive laws that tell people how they must store, keep, etc. their firearms with in their homes...After all, cops and Federal Agents can't check for a "gun-lock", etc. with in a citizens home without entering it first.

This so-called "modest crime-control law" will "slippery slope" into other areas; perhaps knocks on the doors of the people of Boston (and other cities) "asking" to enter for random drug searches, soon it will go to the parents room where I'm sure a married couple would just love to have cops snooping through they're lingerie drawers, etc. looking for unlocked guns or drugs, etc. Eventually, it will be declared "successful" by the authors of the policy, as bureaucrats always do, and these searches will move to suburban and especially rural homes and most likely to other states and cities.

Since no one is safe from Government when ANY citizen, especially an entire city, isn't safe from Government, it is all of our duties to prevent these laws, protest them, inform others about their existences and get rid of the politicians and bureaucrats that make them. These types of laws that restrict your activities with in your home are what make regular citizens not trust law enforcement and takes us leap years closer to that eventual police state we all thought couldn't happen here.

Beware, "a man's (and woman's) home may not be his/her castle", anymore with programs like these, at least not in Boston.

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