Monday, November 26, 2007

Race War in Los Angeles Erupting Between Illegal Alien Mexicans and Black Residents

What started as a "Gang/Drug War" has turned into a "Race War" in LA between Illegal Mexicans and Black Residents:

Most of you out there (if you listen to the sensationalist, left-wing corporate media) would think that most racial tensions in Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California are "the old black and white" race issues.

Well, not anymore, in fact, despite the Rodney King verdicts, LA Riots and the beating of truck driver Reginald Denny, OJ, etc. race relations between blacks and whites are better than ever.

However, there is a problem with race in LA, and its not what most people would think, its actually between illegal aliens (and legal Mexicans) versus black residents., the tensions are mounting as more and more illegal alien Mexican invaders settle in traditionally black areas of Los Angeles such as Watts, Compton, Inglewood and South Central Los Angeles and over take the black population and then use their numbers to get blacks out of political office, civic leadership, etc.

This story really started around 20-30 years ago as President Bush (41), Clinton (42) and Bush (43) ignored the border knowing that illegal alien Mexicans would hit Los Angeles first (before they would spread to other cities in our nation) and ultimately overtake blacks in numbers and then take away what little political clout they had.

It hit a boiling point around ten years ago when the "East Coast Crips" (a black LA gang) allegedly robbed the "Florencia 13" (a Latino gang made up of illegal aliens and their "anchor-baby" children primarily) of a large quantity of dope. To this day, no one really knows if it happened and the stories about its details change all the time. That being said, it ignited what was at first a "gang war" between black and Mexican gangs over the lucrative drug markets of "Florence-Firestone", a neighborhood (really a "hood") in the north end of Watts.

Once a primarily black community of 60,000, it is now a predominantly illegal alien community of Mexican nationals and their anchor-baby offspring. It didn't take long for this "gang war" to erupt into an all out "race war" where blacks and Mexicans started targeting anyone not of their race (whites and Asians we're exempted from this "unwritten rule").

Even in the schools, on Cinco De Mayo (which shouldn't be an American holiday anyways), black students tear down and even burn Mexican flags, pictures of Che Guevara, etc. and during "black history month", Mexican students tear down pictures of Martin Luther King, etc.

According to Chris Le Grande, a black pastor of "Great Hope Fellowship in Faith" (one of the largest black churches in the community), the violence is getting so bad that:

"Its now to the point where its deliberate, I'm deliberately shooting you because of your color".

In fact, the US Attorney's Office in LA announced sweeping indictments against more than 60 members of "Florencia 13", accusing the illegal alien Mexican gang of waging a violent campaign to drive black rivals and black people in general out of the community.

One of the reasons the authorities gave for the surge in violence was the demographic shift happening there (illegal demographic shift I might add), which has included language and cultural shifts, along with the desire of blacks to defend what little they have.

It is too bad that American cultural centers and cities are being destroyed one at a time by illegal aliens and the American left-wing collaborators who support them.

I will give the black community of LA credit though on this one, they aren't taking it laying down. They're fighting back everyday against this onslaught while whites and other ethnic groups are complacent as the United States is being taken over by Mexican illegals.

News Footage of this problem:

Blacks vs Mexicans in Compton, CA

Blacks vs Mexicans in Pasadena, CA

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