Thursday, October 4, 2007


Abraham Lincoln, the father of the Republican Party was against prohibition laws including Federal Drug Laws, and now we see that THREE Republican Presidential Candidates are siding with the founder of the party. They are Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado and too some extent Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.

Over the years, the DEA (and its predecessor the Federal Bureau of Narcotics) has defeated EVERYONE who has crossed it including liberal hippies in 60's and 70's, drug companies (although the drug companies have started to gain victories against the DEA now due to lobbying efforts), libertarians, Constitutional traditionalists, etc.

However, they have a new battle against members of the Republican Party who are increasingly seeing the drug war for the failure that it is, in terms of tax-payer costs, etc. and view it as an unwarranted Federal Intervention into the rights of the States. THE DEA IS GOING TO FIND THAT TAKING ON THE GOP IS GOING TO BE IT'S TOUGHEST BATTLE YET, and THEY JUST MIGHT LOSE!

This reason is, with every other group the DEA fought against, they could argue either that “they just want to do their drugs”, or “they just want to profit off of the drug business”, these arguments DO NOT HOLD UP against RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVES, who are primarily interested in REAL CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE in America and are also typically religious folk and thus have no personal gain from changing drug laws, except a safer society due to the end of the ills of prohibition.

The DEA is in for a surprise and one can be rest assured that they're already mobolizing to ensure Tancredo, Paul and Huckabee are defeated by the candidates in the GOP that are prohibitionists and still think we can actually win the drug war aka prohibition.

Since the original debate in which the three came out against the drug war, we now have Illinois Democrat Senator Barack Obama “finally weighing in” on this important issue of States vs Federal Rights, Equal Justice Under the Law, etc. He is calling for a review of certain Federal sentences for drug possession crimes. My question, where have the DEMOCRATS been when it comes to discussing the drug war? I haven't heard them address these issues, IF anything, they want to expand prohibition laws to tobacco, guns and “unhealthy foods” such as "trans-fat acids", etc. Under a DEMOCRAT administration we'll all be in jail for being ourselves and not eating tofo every night!

For other good articles about these and other issues of the day, click the link above.

GOP Debate in Which Tancredo and Ron Paul come out against drug war, Mike Huckabee wants to scale it down:

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