Friday, October 12, 2007

The Hypocrites of Hollywood Are Caught Causing "Global Warming"

The Hypocrites of Hollywood Are Caught Causing "Global Warming"
12 October 2007

Pass this article along to your friends interested in global warming.

As usual, the Hollywood folks consider themselves special people. (Those of us who live in other parts of California know first hand the attitudes of self-grandeur these folks have.)

Private planes, mansions, lots of "toys", these folks have big entourages moving in secure vehicles, and while they don't want you to have a simple hand gun, they hire bodyguards that carry semi-automatic weapons.

This does not count their trips to foreign nations and lavish spending on those dates.

And this is just their personal lives, the movie business itself is the NUMBER 2 (in more ways than one) polluter of California, second only to the oil industry they love to attack, well if they keep up their lack of environmentalism, they'll have no one left to attack except themselves....but we all know that won't happen due to simple arrogance.

These folks want all of us to drive hybrids, use light bulbs that "don't pollute", turn off our lights at night, not use our AC or Heat to comfortable levels, etc., yet they run wild with environmental abuses, as you'll see in the article dealing with this.

Don't you think that we should all demand Hollywood types live as they want us to live?

Article about this:

Editorial: Hollywood: green or gullible? While stars tout their environmental concern, the film industry pollutes like few others.

Orange County Register editorial, 10/09/07

It's not easy being green. Consider Hollywood. For all its high-profile posturing on matters environmental, the entertainment industry is second only to the oil industry among major California polluters, the Associated Press reported in Sunday's Register.

Movie and TV production consumes enormous amounts of power to run bright lights, to feed large casts and to air-condition huge soundstages over-heated by the industrial-strength lights, AP writer Gary Gentile observed.

It's difficult to typecast Hollywood as environmentally friendly. A two-year UCLA study released last year concluded that special effects explosions, idling vehicles and diesel generators make the entertainment industry a major California polluter, second only to the oil industry.

But if there's anything Hollywood can get behind, it's trendy movements. So for now, color it green, at least superficially. It's true that while moving in the green direction Hollywood's realized economic benefits switching to more efficient lighting and cooling systems, and cutting back gasoline consumption with hybrid cars. But many efforts have more crowd appeal than substance, which is unsurprising considering it's Hollywood.

Actor George Clooney recently told Time Magazine, "I'm a big proponent of cleaning up the environment. I have two electric cars. But I also have a big weak spot because I've flown on private jets." It's just a guess, but Mr. Clooney's carbon footprint probably is on the plus side after factoring in his private-jet flights, even after subtracting the effects of his electric cars. Speaking of guesses, the significance of the carbon-footprint concept is little more than guesswork, at least as advanced by global warming alarmists.

Alarmists claim CO2 causes global warming. In fact, science says it's more common for CO2 to follow, rather than precede, increases in temperature. Water vapor is by far a more significant atmospheric factor. The problem is, much less is known about water vapor's effects than even is known about CO2, which isn't much to begin with. While water vapor in clouds increases temperature by preventing heat from escaping into space, it also has a cooling effect by preventing the sun's rays from reaching the earth.

What we know for certain is there are people making money operating so-called "carbon credit" markets. This, perhaps unsurprisingly, is one way Hollywood makes itself appear greener.

Ostensibly to offset greenhouse gases their production activities create, studios and producers purchase carbon credits through brokers, the AP reported. The money supposedly helps a polluting company become "carbon neutral" by investing in tree planting or in wind power developments. But would tree planting have taken place or wind power technology been developed even without the cash? Is it merely a scheme for middle men to take a cut while check-writers ease their guilt without changing their behavior? Buyer beware.

Reality often has little to do with Hollywood's fantasy factory, where appearances are everything.

Whether CO2 emissions are offset by such schemes begs the question. CO2 is an essential atmospheric gas, the very stuff on which plants subsist. It's created every time you exhale. Considering CO2's tenuous – perhaps non-existent – causative relationship to global warming (which itself is less than 1 degree over the past 100 years), it strikes us as a foolhardy investment. Appearances, aside, that is.

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