Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ron Paul IS NOT a "9-11 Truther" and Why he and Alex Jones Needs a Political Divorce

As of late, a number of low-level members of the so-called "9-11 Truth Movement", a movement lead by Texas Radio Show Host Alex Jones and a number of other leaders who believe the US Government orchestrated 9-11, have been questioning GOP Presidential hopeful Texas Rep. Ron Paul's "commitment" to the "9-11 Truth Movement".

First off, from day one, Ron Paul has NEVER said he buys into the "conspiracy angles" of what happened prior to, during, or in the aftermath of 9-11. He has said that he believes the so-called "9-11 Commission" report was a sham that covered up for the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, and ESPECIALLY for the Clinton Administration and its impotence towards terrorism, and even the beginnings of the Bush administration; and you know what, he's probably right. In my opinion, the 9-11 Commission report was a sham, there are MANY unanswered questions about what was known, when did they know it and why wasn't 9-11 stopped.

Just a couple of questions include: why was there NO RECORDING of the plane that hit the Pentagon except for a grainy recording only showing an explosion – you would think, well at least HOPE the Pentagon (our most secure secrets are located there) would be FILLED with cameras everywhere and there HAS TO BE some recording of the flight that hit it, yet the Pentagon "says there is none"; which is a suspect claim.

What about the "Phoenix memos" where FBI Agents told their superiors they were seeing dangerous trends in American flight schools, etc. (I'm NOT going to argue the validity of EACH AND EVERY individual point on 9-11 or I'll be writing for the next decade).

Rep. Ron Paul has raised these questions and has promised a NEW INVESTIGATION into 9-11 if he should be fortunate enough to be elected. The problem for him now though is, since he's interviewed with Alex Jones in the past (only to tell his views, not to reinforce the hosts), mainstream voters now associate him with what they believe to be a conspiracy theory movement. It DOESN'T HELP that where ever he goes, there are "9-11 Truthers" following him praising him and the media picks up on this, INCLUDING and especially non-libertarian right-wing talk radio; which results in Ron Paul along with other libertarian-conservatives being marginalized, even by their own party.

At the same time Ron Paul is being damaged by the "9-11 Truthers", they are being damaged by their outward support for him because by discrediting him with the general public, they're making it even less likely he will ever get into the White House. If he (or Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, the only other GOP candidate that has openly criticized the 9-11 report and wants to reopen the investigation) doesn't get elected to office, America won't see a new, impartial 9-11 investigation. Thus, the "9-11 Truthers" will have shot themselves in the foot because they won't get the new 9-11 investigation they've been arguing for over the last 6 years.

Thus, it is to the benefit of BOTH Ron Paul and the "9-11 Truthers" and their leader Alex Jones, to quietly "divorce" themselves from each other, otherwise BOTH of their goals fail. Its a simple argument of "battle tactics" in politics; without the quiet "pull out of Alex Jones and the 9-11 truther troops" from "Ron Paul country", "Ron Paul country" will be devastated and destroyed, and Alex Jones and his troops will be stuck in a "quagmire" they can't win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, but then Alex Jones can continue to make money. I mean, what is he going to write about, talk about, and make documentaries about if Ron Paul gets elected and cleans out the corruption?

You need to understand the REAL agenda behind this. I have a few truthers in my group and I always tell them this: By electing Ron Paul, a new investigation would be opened and you will get your answers. In the worst case scenario, if he is able to minimize and break up government and increase transparency in what is left, it will ensure that nothing like this (if it WAS a conspiracy in the first place) would ever happen again.

They seem to get it. Those that don't don't really give two shits about Ron Paul getting elected. They are just trying to get into a place where there are lots of people and be disruptive and protest. They really don't care that they are attributing THEIR message to everyone else there unwillingly, in fact, that is the entire point of doing it.