Thursday, October 4, 2007

San Deigo CA County Board is Sending a $101 Million Dollar "Immigration Bill" to the Federal Government

For those of you who are sick of illegal immigration and the treasonous politicians from BOTH parties who support it or at least REFUSE to stop it, you'll get a kick out of this.

What if every city, county and state that has illegal aliens costing them money, sent a bill to the Federal government?

What if when the feds refused to pay, they sued and put liens on Federal government property? It sounds great to me, I'd love it if the States could SEIZE FEDERAL PROPERTY in order to recoup the cost of illegal immigration.

At some point there will be a judge who agrees with the communities; then we will see if the Feds start enforcing the laws. I'm willing to bet once there is an economic toll to be paid by the FEDERAL GOVT lead by the President and Congress, then we'll actually see some badly needed changes.

I also think that PRIVATE CITIZENS who have lost family members due to illegal immigration should be able to SUE THE PRESIDENT (and other high-level officials of our Government) and the FEDERAL GOVT DIRECTLY.

Maybe the "Aristocratic Class of politicians" who support amnesty or partial amnesty, etc. will take notice once their individual wealth starts getting seized to pay for their lack of border enforcement. Here's a sobering statistic, 48,000 AMERICANS HAVE BEEN KILLED by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS since 9-11; more than Iraq, Afghanistan, 9-11 itself, V-Tech, Oklahoma City, Waco TX, etc. combined, then multiplied by 4.

What do you think about this approach?

Here is the article about this:

Supervisors vote to send Bush immigration a ’bill’

By: GIG CONAUGHTON , North County Times, 9/26/07

County study says illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $101 million in 2006

SAN DIEGO — County supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to send President Bush a $101 million bill to reimburse county taxpayers for what a county-commissioned study stated illegal immigrants cost them last year.

Supervisors said they had taken similar actions before, sending "illegal immigrant" bills to the federal government in 1994 and 2001. Those bills were ignored, and were seen largely as symbolic gestures.

However, Supervisor Bill Horn, who pushed hard for the county study that was released two weeks ago — and other supervisors, said it was time to seek reimbursement again because the federal government has not stopped illegal immigrants from crossing the border and using services that taxpayers pay for.

Armed with the study, supervisors specifically voted to enlist the help of Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Solana Beach, to promote legislation that would:

# make it easier for local law enforcement officials to track illegal immigrants wanted for crimes;

# change the Medicare Modernization Act to pay local hospitals $155 million for unpaid bills from illegal immigrants;

# make the federal government pay local governments from the Social Security fund into which people pay but do not collect, often because they have worked using phony Social Security documents. Reports have estimated that illegal immigrants pay $7 billion in taxes into that fund each year.

Local governments in border states have said for years that the federal government’s failure to stop illegal immigration has cost them billions of taxpayer dollars in services rendered.

The county study, which supervisors voted to pursue in May 2006, was largely based upon anecdotal information rather than solid statistics. It did not attempt to quantify potential economic benefits that illegal immigrants might provide.

Horn said he asked for the new study so the county could get a picture of what illegal immigrants cost local taxpayers.

He said Tuesday that he did not intend for the board’s vote to be a symbolic gesture, even though previous "illegal immigration bills" sent by the county to the federal government in 1994 and 2001 have not been paid.

"I don’t want to just grandstand, I really want the money this time," Horn said. "The bottom line is the county of San Diego’s taxpayers are bearing an unfair burden for porous border. It’s the federal government’s job to enforce the border, and if they refuse to do it ... I think they should face the consequences of their action."

Kurt Bardella, a spokesman for Bilbray, said by telephone Tuesday that although the congressman was not currently sponsoring legislation that would address the county’s request, he intended to do so. Bilbray said in a written statement Tuesday that he was "eager" to work with Horn for reimbursement.

Bilbray, who was once a San Diego County supervisor, is chairman of the immigration reform caucus, a group of more than 100 congressional representatives who favor stricter immigration enforcement legislation.

San Diego State University professor John Weeks helped compile and write the study for the county. As he wrote in the study, Weeks told supervisors Tuesday that illegal immigrants do contribute to communities in a variety of ways by spending money and providing services.

But, he said Tuesday, they were unlikely to generate much property-tax revenue that makes up the majority of the county’s spending money.

"Working undocumented immigrants make an economic contribution," Weeks said. "But the issue for this board is that it is very unlikely that they put back into county coffers the amount of money that is spent providing services to them or on their behalf."

No one came forward to criticize the study at Tuesday’s meeting. The American Friends Service Committee — a Quaker human rights organization — has said it was afraid it would promote "anti-immigrant sentiment."

Weeks said the study used interviews with county department heads to suggest that roughly 10 percent of their annual budgets were spent on services for illegal immigrants.

The study suggested that those costs amounted to $101 million in 2006, three-quarters of which was used for criminal justice costs, such as jailing and prosecuting. Remaining costs were spent on health, social services and other programs.

The study did not account for the costs of education or unpaid medical bills for illegal immigrants, although it used estimates from the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties to come up with its figure of $155 million in unpaid medical care costs.

Other supervisors said it was time for the federal government to pay up.

"It’s outrageous to say the least," Supervisor Dianne Jacob said. "Inexcusable."

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